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Kindergarten Prep (4.5-5.5 years old)

The Kindergarten Prep Room is focused on preparing its children for success in the classroom as well as later on in kindergarten. A large part of our day is spent working on vital social skills. Learning how to play with one another and effectively expressing one's thoughts and feelings is a major milestone for four and five year olds. Our goal is to teach every child to become a problem solver; to resolve conflicts with each other by talking about it and coming to a solution that all agree on. This is a skill that will greatly benefit them in the future. Developing social skills are of even greater importance than learning the alphabet or counting to twenty. They lay a foundation in which more academic achievements can be built on.

The philosophy behind the Creative Curriculum is that children learn best through play.

  • Our children participate in activities throughout the day that promote learning social skills.
  • Our preschoolers participate in weekly thematic units with creative learning centers in writing, imagination play, math, science, & sensory play.
  • We start working on letter recognition, counting to 20, working on writing our names, and expanding previous learning skills.
  • We have a monthly cooking experience and work on a creative preschool portfolio.
  • We utilize AlphaFriends to teach the ABC's as well as Second Step to teach social emotional skills.
  • We have also been trained to use PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports).
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